Produkte und Fragen zum Begriff 79110:
Knowing How to Know , This volume examines some crucial issues in the conduct of fieldwork and ethnography and provides new insights into the problems of constructing anthropological knowledge. How is anthropological knowledge created from fieldwork, whose knowledge is this, who determines what is of significance in any ethnographic context, and how is the fieldsite extended in both time and place? Nine anthropologists examine these problems, drawing on diverse case studies. These range from the dilemmas of the religious refashioning of the ethnographer in contemporary Indonesia to the embodied knowledge of ballet performers, and from ignorance about post-colonial ritual innovations by the anthropologist in highland Papua to the skilled visions of slow food producers in Italy. It is a key text for new fieldworkers as much as for established researchers. The anthropological insights developed here are of interdisciplinary relevance: cultural studies scholars, sociologists and historians will be as interested as anthropologists in this re-evaluation of fieldwork and the project of ethnography. , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften
Preis: 149.56 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Knowing How to Know , "This book is an important stimulus to ongoing debate, and showcases some of the best of recent approaches and challenges to the ways we know what we know." · Ethos This volume examines some crucial issues in the conduct of fieldwork and ethnography and provides new insights into the problems of constructing anthropological knowledge. How is anthropological knowledge created from fieldwork, whose knowledge is this, who determines what is of significance in any ethnographic context, and how is the fieldsite extended in both time and place? Nine anthropologists examine these problems, drawing on diverse case studies. These range from the dilemmas of the religious refashioning of the ethnographer in contemporary Indonesia to the embodied knowledge of ballet performers, and from ignorance about post-colonial ritual innovations by the anthropologist in highland Papua to the skilled visions of slow food producers in Italy. It is a key text for new fieldworkers as much as for established researchers. The anthropological insights developed here are of interdisciplinary relevance: cultural studies scholars, sociologists and historians will be as interested as anthropologists in this re-evaluation of fieldwork and the project of ethnography. Narmala Halstead is a Senior Lecturer in Anthropology at the University of East London and was awarded a Teaching Fellowship by this university. She was a lecturer at Cardiff University and also taught at Brunel University. She has carried out research in Guyana, the U.S. and the UK . She has published numerous articles examining fieldwork encounters, belonging, violence and related issues. Eric Hirsch is a Reader in Social Anthropology at Brunel University. He has conducted research in Papua New Guinea and Greater London. His most recent book is the co-edited Transactions and Creations: Property Debates and the Stimulus of Melanesia (Berghahn, 2004). Judith Okely, Emeritus Professor of Social Anthropology, Hull University, is Deputy Director of the International Gender Studies Centre and Research Associate, School of Anthropology, Oxford University. She co-edited Anthropology and Autobiography (1992) and is researching Anthropological Practice. Other publications include The Traveller-Gypsies (1983), Own or Other Culture (1996) and (co-ed) Identity and Networks (2007). , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften
Preis: 41.37 € | Versand*: 0 € -
ISBN: 9781022085015 Title: Progressive Housekeeping : Keeping House Without Knowing How, and Knowing How to Keep House Well Author: Helen Alice Matthews Nitsch Format: Paperback / softback PUBLISHER: Legare Street Press Published:18 Jul 2023
Preis: 41.37 € | Versand*: 0.0 € -
ISBN: 9781022085015 Title: Progressive Housekeeping : Keeping House Without Knowing How, and Knowing How to Keep House Well Author: Helen Alice Matthews Nitsch Format: Paperback / softback PUBLISHER: Legare Street Press Published:18 Jul 2023
Preis: 41.02 € | Versand*: 0.0 € -
How Proust Can Change Your Life , Whatever the merits of Proust's work, even a fervent admirer would be hard pressed to deny one of its awkward features: length. A novel in seven volumes, Marcel Proust's In Search of Lost Time is considered a major literary work of the twentieth century. And even more crucially, one that you should have read by now. However, as one of its most distinguishing features is its staggering length, many of us feel intimidated and perhaps, even, fatigued at the thought of diving in. Alain de Botton's hilarious and unexpected Proustian manual, then, is the perfect antidote to this problem. In How Proust Can Change Your Life , de Botton masterfully distils what Proust says about friendship, reading, being alive and taking your time, and mixes it with his own, no less nourishing commentary. As de Botton examines Proust for our collective benefit, we see the continued relevance of his work and the rich and varied insights he can offer us, from how to reinvigorate our relationships to being a good host. This is Proust as you've never seen him before. He may even change your life. 'Curious, humorous, didactic and dazzling' New Yorker 'As intoxicating as it is wise' Mail on Sunday , >
Preis: 10.31 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Knowing you, knowing them , A practical workbook explaining why people react the way they do. Ever wondered why you get on with some and not others? This will book explain why. It will also show you how to get the best out of yourself and those you work with. , >
Preis: 22.27 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Knowing, Not-Knowing, and Jouissance , This book explores the practice and transmission of Lacanian and Freudian theory. It discusses the pure versus applied analysis of Lacanian and Freudian theory in practice; and the hierarchical versus circular transmissions within psychoanalytic organizations. Underpinned by extensive practical knowledge of the clinic, this work examines the differences between Freud and Lacan in their understanding of the subject and the unconscious and pushes them in new directions. The book also offers an analysis and commentary of several key Lacanian texts including an accessible study of the notoriously challenging text L'etourdit. Offering both divergent and reinforcing takes on Lacan, the author explores the traits that separate out the psychoanalyst from other twentieth-century thinkers and theorists. This book offers a clear clinical picture of where Lacanian psychoanalysis is today, both in the US and internationally. , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften
Preis: 58.53 € | Versand*: 0 €
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Ist Alain de Botton religiös?
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Wie findet ihr den Namen Alain Al?
Als KI habe ich keine persönlichen Vorlieben oder Meinungen, aber der Name Alain Al klingt interessant und einzigartig. Es könnte eine gute Wahl sein, wenn man nach einem Namen sucht, der sich von anderen abhebt. Letztendlich ist die Meinung über einen Namen jedoch subjektiv und hängt von individuellen Vorlieben ab.
Wer war besser, Alain Prost oder Ayrton Senna?
Es ist schwierig, zu sagen, wer von beiden besser war, da beide Fahrer außergewöhnliche Talente hatten und ihre eigenen Stärken hatten. Alain Prost war bekannt für seine kühle und berechnende Fahrweise, während Ayrton Senna für seine unglaubliche Geschwindigkeit und seinen aggressiven Fahrstil bekannt war. Beide Fahrer haben mehrere Weltmeistertitel gewonnen und haben die Formel 1 in den 1980er und 1990er Jahren geprägt.
Welche ähnlichen Filme wie "Knowing" mit Nicolas Cage gibt es?
Ähnliche Filme wie "Knowing" mit Nicolas Cage könnten "The Number 23" mit Jim Carrey, "The Mothman Prophecies" mit Richard Gere oder "Dark City" mit Rufus Sewell sein. Diese Filme haben ähnliche Elemente von Mysterium, Verschwörung und übernatürlichen Phänomenen.
Kann so etwas wie bei "The Knowing" in echt passieren?
"The Knowing" ist ein Science-Fiction-Film, in dem ein Mann durch eine mysteriöse Botschaft die Zukunft der Welt erfährt. In der Realität gibt es keine wissenschaftlichen Beweise für die Existenz solcher Vorhersagen oder Botschaften aus der Zukunft. Es handelt sich also um reine Fiktion.
Kann so etwas wie in dem Film "Knowing" wirklich passieren?
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Kannst du mir etwas über Alain Delon alias Julius Caesar erzählen?
Alain Delon ist ein französischer Schauspieler, der für seine markante Präsenz und sein gutes Aussehen bekannt ist. Er wurde oft mit dem römischen Kaiser Julius Caesar verglichen, da er in dem Film "Julius Caesar" von 1970 die Hauptrolle spielte. Delon hat eine lange und erfolgreiche Karriere in der Filmindustrie und ist auch für seine politischen Ansichten und sein kontroverses Privatleben bekannt.
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Der Film "Swimmingpool" wurde 1969 in Frankreich gedreht. Ein Großteil der Dreharbeiten fand in der Region Saint-Tropez statt, insbesondere in dem gleichnamigen Ort und in der Villa "La Cala" in Ramatuelle.